Volunteers are a vital and vibrant part of our Mad Horse family! Opportunities are available to usher, run concessions, box office, and join many different sub-committees for special events, marketing, fundraising, and more. If you’re interested in helping to make our productions happen, then we’re interested in hearing from you! Call 207-747-4148 or email us at madhorsetheatre@gmail.com .
Thank you to all our volunteers!
Sherry Andre
Jill Babcock
Erika Bojorum
Randy Chubbuck
Virginia Collins
Kerry Corthell
Pat Davis
Craig DeForest
Gayle Duncan
Susan Fine
Karlene Groshek
Muriel Kenderdine
Dawn Leland
Amy MacDonald
Christine Mackenzie
Ray Marcotte
Cheryl McCall
Jody McColman
Rose McDonnell
Cammy Moraros
Stephen Perazone
Joe Quinn
Nancy Spiegel
Rita Thompson
Daniel Ungier
Deena R Weinstein
Aurora White